NHIẾP ẢNH GIA MẠNH BI - Vietnam Ambassador - Canon Vietnam


    Photographer Mạnh Bi, whose real name is Nguyễn Đức Mạnh, is a prominent talent in the fields of commercial and editorial photography in Vietnam. With 14 years of dedication and continuous creativity, Mạnh Bi has carved out a unique niche in the hearts of his audience and peers.

    Each of Mạnh Bi’s works tells meaningful everyday stories through a sharp and heartfelt lens. He is not just a moment-catcher; he is a storyteller who evokes the soul and beauty hidden in the smallest details of life.

    Throughout this creative journey, Mạnh Bi has achieved significant milestones, from designing covers for esteemed magazines to being recognized and loved by the photography community and clients. These career highlights come not just from a single photograph or project, but from a rich tapestry of experiences and inspirations.

    With a passionate commitment to the art of photography, Mạnh Bi continuously seeks new perspectives to further develop and present unique, emotion-rich artworks for his audience.